Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First day

well the first day was extremely boring!!!!!!!!i really didn't have much to do i thought it would be exciting to see all my friends.but really NO! well it was cool to see them but school just came a bit to early lol it didn't feel like the first day it felt like we were just on like spring or fall break. But i have first lunch which is boring and me and my friend Ashley got almost every class together so that makes me happy lol. Well my classes are pretty easy they are all honors and i thought they would be harder but not really they are easy to me. I have the most funny teachers one of them ms.siebold (chemistry teacher) has all these little random phases like: "check up from the neck up" "white on rice" "tip toeing through tulips" and "take a gander at it" hahahahah there are alot more but that was just the first day and she says them all day and I'm only in her class for 45 minutes and my other teacher name Mrs.spears is sooo real like she keep it real she told us that she had a cursing problem and she really does. but she told us if she have to talk bad to us that she will and i just think me and her are really going to get along(i hope) but there are more but these two teacher stand out more to me........ well school ending pretty fast and i like that the faster i get in the faster i get out! lol well that was my first day!( yes i know it sucks.. only if you were there you would really know how i feel)

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